SURE Beginner
Towards Cambridge A2 Key
Trinity GESE Grades 1-2
The result of extensive research and teacher feedback, SURE is a 4-level course book for today’s digitally native and globally aware students.
SURE addresses the needs of teachers working with modern teens and young.
The SURE syllabus is designed to simultaneously cover the right language at the right level, while also recycling and extending students’ knowledge. Such a ‘spiral’ syllabus reviews pre-existing language and swiftly moves students on to new and challenging learning experiences.
Language is for communicating and SURE puts communication at the heart of learning with presentation videos, communication dramas, documentaries and vox-pops. Communicative competences become easy to learn with entertaining dual-function video and/or audio presentations, and lots of meaningful interactive practice.
In SURE, students actively engage with grammar by focusing on contexts which show grammar in action. Grammar-oriented skills exercises, designed to get them reading, listening, speaking and writing, and using the target structures, then lead them to genuine language acquisition.
SURE takes a balanced approach to accuracy and fluency, ensuring that students learn the language they need, and that they can use this language to communicate in real time. The Focus on sections give students space to develop both areas.
Lively vocabulary work means that students enjoy learning the words they need. In SURE, vocabulary exploration ranges from a focus on lexical sets, key words and chunks, to common spoken expressions in Small Talk and authentic, unscripted speech in videos.
SURE offers a complete range of digital resources for students and teachers. Materials are easy to use, accessible and intuitive, which means you can easily make digital part of your classroom and homework routine and truly support the learning process.
Teacher’s Books are packed with fresh, practical ideas and activities that really provide support and guidance for every lesson. They also include a DVD with videos consisting of presentation and communication dramas, documentaries and vox pops.
The online Testbuilder is available on Helbling e-zone. It includes specially developed Basic, Progress Plus and Exams Tests providing support for teachers to effectively evaluate student progress. It enables teachers to tailor tests prior to printing. Tests are also available in a ready-to-print format.
All the SURE video content, also available in American English.
All the SURE audio content, also available in American English.
Choose the version of SURE which best suits your teaching situation and classroom needs.
Student’s Book and Workbook as separate volumes provide material for the classroom and further practice at home.
Perfect if you are looking for an all-in-one volume with Student’s Book and Workbook included together.
With each volume providing three Student’s Book modules and three Workbook modules, this version is ideal for short courses and one semester programs.
All SURE teachers’ materials are also available in flexible formats to match the versions.
Helbling e-zone is the Learning Management System (LMS) developed by Helbling. It consists of a user-friendly online platform for both teachers and students.
A state-of-the-art interactive version of Student’s Book & Workbook with integrated audio and video plus embedded extra activities.
Quick access to multimedia material at any time, anywhere - with or without internet connection.
All audio and video content for SURE is available via the HELBLING Media App for both students and teachers, on mobile devices and desktop computers.
The HELBLING Media App is available for free for Android, iOS, Windows and macOS.
Download from the app store of your choice or via helbling.com/media-app
Videos play a vital role in SURE both as a vehicle for natural sounding language, and as support for students’ comprehension of the Communication scenarios. Students respond positively to stories, characters and humour which boosts their confidence and encourages participation.
These videos introduce British and American friends in the UK and the USA and tell their stories. As students watch the episodes, they see and hear new language in action as in a film, which is highly motivating and helps acquisition.
Beginner, Elementary and Pre-Intermediate
A series of short documentary films, which offer a window on English-speaking culture and cover a wide range of different topics and themes.
Elementary and Pre-Intermediate
Interviews with young adults which reflect SURE grammar and topics, showcase a range of speaking styles, and give students exposure to natural unscripted English.
Beginner, Elementary and Pre-Intermediate
Imaginative readings of literary texts by Jane Austen, DH Lawrence and F Scott Fitzgerald introduce students to key authors and their works.
Lively documentaries feature well-known writers and their works and, by focussing on historical context and cultural background, bring literature to life.
Short films presenting young people’s points of view in spontaneous conversations, give students an opportunity to experience English in real time with real accents.