Polka Dot Plays
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Polka Dot Plays Titles
Polka Dot Plays
Ready-made playscripts and activities for young learners
Ready-made playscripts and activities for young learners
- Six levels containing two fun plays each
- Student’s Books with comprehension and language tasks
- Cross-curricular themes to reinforce learning in other subject areas
- Classroom activities that encourage students to engage and reflect on their learning and performance
- Downloadable Teacher’s Guides with answer keys, full notes, tips and suggestions
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The course consists of 12 ready-made scripts for short plays that have been carefully created for younger learners aged 6-12 to perform in front of a real audience, whether that is another class in the school, the whole school community or parents and friends at an end-of-term or end-of-year show.

These plays and the accompanying activities have been written for teachers who want to use drama in the classroom in order to foster creativity and enhance language learning opportunities for their pupils.
Teaching drama in schools helps:
- to explore a pupil’s sense of self.
- to foster a sense of physical confidence and spatial awareness as well as general confidence to perform in front of others.
- to teach co-operation and teamwork skills.
- to learn empathy by learning and expressing the feelings of another person.
- to develop the brain through creative and imaginative play.
- to practise language skills.
- to explore pupils’ own cultural values as well as those of other cultures.

The plays are easy to stage as they require just a few simple props and can easily be adapted to suit larger classrooms.
The downloadable Guides, one per level, include teaching notes for each play and stage tips with practical suggestions for putting on the plays, guidelines and answer keys for the accompanying activities.
Dramatized audio recordings of the plays are also available on HELBLING e-zone and the HELBLING Media App.

Quick access to multimedia material at any time, anywhere - with or without internet connection.
Dramatized audio recordings of the plays are available via the HELBLING Media App for both pupils and teachers, on mobile devices and desktop computers.
The HELBLING Media App is available for free for Android, iOS, Windows and macOS.
Download from the app store of your choice or via helbling.com/media-app