- Serie: SURE, SURE Intermediate
- Livello: Intermediate
- Tipo di scuola: Scuola Secondaria di II Grado
- Livello CEFR: CEFR B2
- Componenti: Guida per l'Insegnante, 3 Class Audio CDs, BES/DSA booklet, e-zone resources
- Dettagli: 276 pages
- Versione: Combo Full
- ISBN: 978-88-6289-008-3
La Guida per l'Insegnante presenta una vasta gamma di idee pratiche e di suggerimenti utili a una ottimale pianificazione delle lezioni.
È corredata da 3 Class Audio CD che offrono oltre 3 ore di ascolti e da un fascicolo con schede fotocopiabili per BES/DSA.
In più, su Helbling e-zone:
Teacher’s DIGI Pack
- Presentation Software (IWB)
- Testbuilder + Test audio
- Teacher’s Book + Class audio
- Reference material
- Scope & Sequence
- Trinity GESE & ISE maps
- Grammar reference
- Wordlist
- Photocopiables
- Entry test
- BES/DSA worksheets + keys
- Video lesson worksheets + keys
- Grammar help + keys
- Speaking skills for exams
- Word banks
Helbling Media App
- Audio
- Video
Recommended specifications (Testbuilder):
Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 11, macOS Monterey 12.6; hardware: internet connection; hard disk space: 400 MB;
The software has been tested on the operating system versions mentioned, but can potentially be used on other versions of these operating systems as well.
Recommended specifications (IWB):
Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 11, macOS Monterey 12.6; hardware: internet connection; hard disk space: 200 MB;
The software has been tested on the operating system versions mentioned, but can potentially be used on other versions of these operating systems as well.