HELBLING Readers People & Movies
Language & Exams
Helbling e-zone
Titoli HELBLING Readers People & Movies
HELBLING Readers People & Movies
Good readers make good learners
Tante coinvolgenti letture basate sulle biografie dei più interessanti personaggi contemporanei, oppure sui blockbusters e sulle serie TV più amate.
- Un’offerta unica nel panorama nazionale
- Titoli in esclusiva con i maggiori studios cinematografici o con le emittenti televisive più prestigiose
- Attenta suddivisione in 5 livelli linguistici
- Audio CD con l’ascolto completo della storia
- Attività extra online
Language & Exams
LEVEL 1 - A1
Towards Cambridge A2 Key
Trinity GESE Grades 1-2
Present simple of auxiliary verbs and can; present simple of most common verbs; present continuous; imperative; there is/there are; like/love/hate doing; short answers and question tags; interrogative sentences (who/what/what colour/how much/how many); would like; interrogative pronouns; personal pronouns (subject and object); plural nouns; countable and uncountable nouns; possessive adjectives; possessive ‘s; demonstrative adjectives and pronouns; adverbs of frequency; some and any; definite and indefinite articles; cardinal and ordinal numbers; conjunctions.
LEVEL 2 - A1/A2
Towards Cambridge A2 Key
Trinity ISE Foundation (GESE Grades 2-3)
Past simple of auxiliary verbs; past simple of regular verbs; past simple of common irregular verbs; past continuous; past simple vs past continuous; present continuous as future tense; be going to as future tense; have to vs must; comparatives; superlatives; common adverbs; possessive pronouns; prepositions of time and place; prepositions at the end of sentences; subject and object questions; to for purpose.
LEVEL 3 - A2
Cambridge A2 Key
Trinity ISE Foundation (GESE Grades 3-4)
Present perfect; will for future tense; modal verbs: should; most common phrasal verbs; yet/already/just; one/ones; ever/never; reflexive pronouns; indefinite pronouns; too + adjective; not + adjective + enough; relative pronouns who, which and that; either/neither; impersonal pronouns you, one and they; very/really/quite.
LEVEL 4 - A2/B1
Towards Cambridge B1 Preliminary
Trinity ISE Foundation/ISE I (GESE Grades 4-5)
Other future forms; first and second conditional; present and past passive; modal verbs: may/might/will/would; could, was able to, managed to; phrasal verbs; causative have and get; want/ask/tell someone to do something; used to/used to doing; used to/would; defining relative clauses.
LEVEL 5 - B1
Cambridge B1 Preliminary
Trinity ISE I (GESE Grades 5-6)
Past perfect; present perfect continuous; subjunctive; reported speech; when and if with future tenses; expressing wishes and regrets; non-defining relative clauses; infinitive – gerunds; simple subordinating conjunctions (once, whereas, unless, except, provided); multiple noun phrases (and conjunctions) to create sequential narratives.
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Helbling e-zone
Helbling e-zone è il Learning Management System (LMS) sviluppato da Helbling, e consiste in una piattaforma online user-friendly per insegnanti e studenti.
- Include strumenti per l'insegnante per la creazione di Cyber Homework a casa e attività di classe, oltre a strumenti per lo studio autonomo dello studente
- Feedback per verificare i risultati degli studenti
- Esercizi interattivi autocorrettivi
- Teacher’s notes scaricabili con ulteriori spunti, informazioni e suggerimenti per trarre il massimo da ciascun reader
- Student Activity Worksheets completi di Vocabulary Builder
- Answer Keys
- Ideale per la classe e per lo studio individuale.